Glass City Convention Center

Formerly The Seagate Convention Centre

401 Jefferson, Ave

Toledo, Ohio  43604




Show Times & Admission Prices

Saturday, March 8 – 11am-6pmAdmission $15.00 in Advance, $20.00 Week of Show, $25.00 Day of Show

Sunday, March 9 – 11am – 5pmAdmission $10.00 in Advance, $15.00 Week of Show, $20.00 Day of Show

Two-Day Pass –  $20.00 in Advance, $25.00 Week of Show, $35.00 Day of Show (includes Saturday early entry at 10am)

VIP Experience –  $47.50 in Advance, $55.00 Day of Show (includes 2-day Pass, Early 10am entry on Saturday, Front of Line Access into the Hall and for Photo Ops With Special Guests, VIP Laminate, Fantasticon Tote Bag, and a Fan Club Membership Card that will get you 25% Off all Fantasticon Merch at any Fantasticon Show.

Kids 5 & under are FREE!


Purchase Tickets


Vendor Space – “SOLD OUT”

All Spaces are 10′x 10′

Corner Space (2 Tables) – $550

Interior Spaces (1 Table) – $450

Wall Spaces (1 Table) – $550

Wall Corner (2 Tables) – $595

Dealers/Exhibitors may sell only items genre-related to the show. Any items not related to comic books, cartoons, superheroes, science fiction, horror, movies, TV shows, anime, manga, steampunk, video games, or fantasy role-playing games are prohibited.

If you do not have approved items to sell or display you will be removed from the show without a refund. No pornographic materials are allowed




Artist Alley Space – “SOLD OUT”

All Spaces are 8′ x 6′ (includes one 6′ table)

Artist Alley Space is for approved artists. $99
Artists and Writers who create their own pop culture books and original art are welcome. No other items will be allowed to be sold.
Handmade craft items like clothing, hats, wallets, bags, etc.. must be sold in the dealer/exhibitor area.

*Anyone who purchases space in Artist Alley that does not abide by these strict rules will be removed from the show without a refund*




Special Guests

Darren McCarty
Mark Pillow
Phillips Main-small
Renee Witterstaeteer
ISABELLA canceled
Manning Main
Chris Boros
Jim Beard1
dan scott
Delorean Time Machine
fort defiance page
rebel legion ohio
black swamp

Show Schedule 

Saturday, March 8

10:00am       VIP Entry

11:00am       General Public Entry

1:00pm       Nerd Trivia

Test your knowledge of Comic Books, Superheroes, Sci-Fi and Horror TV Shows and Movies and other nerdy stuff for cash and prizes
Pop Culture stuff against other fellow nerds for a chance to win cash and prizes

1:30pm         Musical Chairs
Participate in the fun and exciting “GEEK” version of musical chairs for cash and prizes.
2:30pm          Panel – Superman IV, the Quest for Peace
Meet actor Mark Pillow , Superman IV villain “Nuclear Man”, and hear all about starring opposite Christopher Reeves in one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. This Q&A panel will be moderated by Fox 2 Detroit’s own Jay Towers.
4:00pm          Kid’s Cosplay Contest
Kid’s 15 and under participate in a costume contest with cash prizes going to the top three costumes

6:00pm           Hall Closes 


Sunday, March 9

11:00am       General Public Entry

1:00pm       Nerd Trivia

Test your knowledge of Superheroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Walking Dead, Comic Books, and other
Test your knowledge of Comic Books, Superheroes, Sci-Fi and Horror TV Shows and Movies and other nerdy stuff for cash and prizes

1:30pm         Musical Chairs
Participate in the fun and exciting “GEEK” version of musical chairs for cash and prizes.
2:00pm          Panel – Hollywood Special Effects Makeup Demonstration
Watch Emmy Award Winning Special Effects Makeup Artist, Daniel Phillips transform a real person into a monster right before your eyes
3:30pm           Adult Cosplay Contest
Cosplayers 16 & over participate in a costume contest with cash prizes going to the top three costumes

5:00pm           Event Ends

Artist Alley

3rd Eye Art Eric Sobel Art Nate Kontur
819 Comics Frank James Bailey Nerd Chapel
Alpha Dog Comics James Fyerman Pandora’s Creations
Art of David McConnehey  Jason Eisentrager Peggy Christie
Arty Alex Creations Jim Beard Pete Walters
Audra Olivia  Joan of Bark Purrsnicketea
Author Jean Davis John Ritchey Richie Pen Illustrations
Bradley Hughes Johnnie Betts Jr. Rocket Ink Studios
Caleb Thusat Mega Kawaii Cuties Sammich LLC
Codey Dauch Mess Bucket Comics Samual Dorando
Dawud Does Art Michael Walker Shotellarts
Douglas Pierce Ms. Kitty’s Closet Silas Sanchez
Ellioat Arts Musetap Studios The Sick Shoppe
    TL Shively


4T9 Eddie Flores MiniClicks
Acathla Clothing Et’s Craftery Minifigures and more
Adam Smith FabFusion Creations Neferene Comic Brick Builders
Adam’s Action Figures and Comics Faith Whitaker Paula Handley
Adeline’s Closet Freedom Comics Peddler Potoo
Berndt Comics Galactic Toys Polaris Breach FX
Big J Customs Go With A Smile Comix Puhcky Comics
Blade Daddy Goodnight Geek Boutique Q Continuum Comics
Blue Planet Press Grand Rapids Comic-Con Renee Schneider
Brad’s Comics & Collectibles Hero Tomorrow Comics Robot Zero LTD
Cardz Xtcetera Isles of Edren Rupp’s Comics LLC
Cats & Consoles Jacqueline Orow Sweet Blossoms Design
Checkmate Games & Hobbies Jeff Ryder The Stacks Comics and Paperbacks
ChicGeek Creations Jen Sheffer Through Pretty Eyes
BattleKatz Jestertastic Creations Turtle Trinkets
Christmas Creations Just Joe King Comics Unicorn Massacres Designs
Cleveland Sleeves Keith Daggett UKD Comics
Collectors Zone Our House Games Wendy Hursin
Costume Holiday House Lantern Comics Whiskers & Wizards
David Cabrera Laramie and Son Stamps and Supplies William Shulaw

Hotel Info

Hilton Garden Inn Hotel- SOLD OUT

101 North Summit Street

Toledo, Ohio  


Holiday Inn Express

3440 Secor Rd.

Toledo, Ohio



Book Special Rate


